Palliative Care Resources

As a palliative care health professional education provider, we often come across some useful resources. Below are some curated palliative and end of life care services, and education providers and resources which may help enhance and support your palliative care practice and/or education. 

General Resources.

Advance care planning documentation flow chart for WA

Opioid Conversion Education Department of Health & PaSCE 

WA Department of Health, End of Life Care Program and PaSCE have developed these education videos to support the Opioid Conversion Guide lanyard. These 15-minute education videos must be viewed prior to ordering the lanyards.
This resource has been developed and presented by Penelope Tuffin, an Advanced Practice Pharmacist. Penny provides advice, education and mentoring for healthcare professionals and undergraduate students throughout Western Australia.

This short video series educates health professionals on opioid conversion and how to use the opioid conversion lanyard. WA Department of Health, End of Life Care Program and Palliative and Supportive Care Education developed these videos to support the use of the Opioid Conversion Guide Lanyard, they must be viewed before ordering.  

Once the videos are completed, a certificate can be downloaded. Contact with the certificate to order your lanyard.  

Disclaimer: Content is correct at time of filming. All rights reserved by Penelope Tuffin and Cancer Council Western Australia.

Communications Skills for Healthcare Professionals 

Palliative and Supportive Care Education (PaSCE), Cancer Council WA, are very excited to announce the launch of the new Communication Skills Education Videos for Health Professionals.
These case-based scenario training resources were designed in response to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic and an increasing demand for communication skills education. They have been produced in collaboration with clinicians practicing in acute care, community and aged care sectors.

The videos provide opportunity for health professionals to observe different types of conversations held between clinicians and patients, family members and/or carers regarding goals of patient care, advance care planning and end-of-life discussions.

Please note that this is a communication education resource, it is not a guide to clinical treatment and was not filmed in clinical settings.
Write your awesome label here.

A PaSCE collaboration with the Yiriman Project 

This educational video resource is made for health professionals working with Aboriginal people, especially those originating from the West Kimberley region and was developed in collaboration with the Yiriman Project.

This resource is for educational purposes only. It may contain images, works and descriptions that could be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in public and community contexts.

Cancer Council WA acknowledges the Yawuru people as the Traditional Custodians of the land where this resource was filmed. We would also like to pay respect to the elders past, present and emerging and offer our acknowledgement and respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were involved in the development of this resource. 
If you have utilised this video resource, please complete our five minute evaluation survey. Your feedback will enable us to ensure we are continually improving the effectiveness of our resources. 

Spotlight on Pharmacological Interventions for Palliative Care Symptoms 

Presented by: Penelope Tuffin, Advanced Practice Pharmacist, Palliative Care and Pain Management for personal Professional Development or use as an education resource.

Concerns over managing challenging symptoms can be alleviated with appropriate knowledge and support. A palliative perspective will be applied to the most common palliative care symptoms to give a broad overview.

Each video looks at the pharmacological intervention specific to each symptom from an Advance Practice Pharmacist; palliative care and pain management specialist point of view. It recognises the importance of non-pharmacological interventions either prior and/or in addition to medications. 

  1. Medications at end of life 
  2. Pain management in palliative care
  3. Nausea and vomiting in palliative care
  4. Dyspnoea in palliative care
  5. Delirium in palliative care
  6. Constipation in palliative care

  1. Identify the most common palliative care symptoms.
  2. Determine the appropriate pharmacological intervention required to manage each symptom. 
  3. Demonstrate a palliative approach through prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of the most common palliative care symptoms. 

For further information contact